[Enews] Heat Smart Otsego Kickoff at Foothills/Weekly Update

[Enews] Heat Smart Otsego Kickoff at Foothills/Weekly Update

Downtown Revitalization Initiative Downtown Improvement Fund:  An Update on the Selection Process  

Greetings to all of the applicants and stakeholders in the City of Oneonta. On behalf of the Project Selection Committee that has responsibility for reviewing applications and recommending awards, I wanted to share information about our timeline and review process.    I’m happy to say that the number and quality of Downtown Improvement Fund (DIF) applications we received far exceeded our expectations.  While this is great news for the City, the fact that we received so many applications – including several for the more complicated “Transformative” projects – means that it will be some time before we can announce results.  We’re beginning with a high-level review of applications, centered principally on smaller geographic clusters so that we can assess the potential impact on different areas of the City.  Because the Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) Fund is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, we are focused more on thoroughness of review than on speed.  That said, we’re sensitive to applicants’ eagerness to begin projects, and we will be as expeditious as we can with our review.   At present, we’ve held three review meetings, and have another five meetings scheduled across the next few weeks.  Once we have made our funding decisions, the projects require approval by New York State; we don’t have any control over the length of time it will take the State to review our recommendations.  As a result, we can’t provide the community with a specific timeline for grant announcements.  What we intend to do, however, is to continue to communicate with you about our process.  And you are always welcome to contact Elizabeth Horvath at Delaware Engineering if you have questions or want an update.   Thank you for your patience with this process as it unfolds.  We are committed to giving each application the thorough consideration it deserves in order to make the best possible decisions for Oneonta’s downtown.   With best regards,

 Kim Muller Chair, Project Selection Committee


Sunday, October 14th @ 3:30 pm
Catskill Valley Wind Ensemble

Conducted by Scott Rabeler & Andrew Pease

Fall for Fall Concert

“Featuring Music of the Season—Yosemite Autumn, City Rain—and More!” 

Free and open to the public compliments of St. James' Retirement Community

located at 9 St. James' Place, Oneonta

Refreshments will be served

All are welcome!



Small Business Banquet, Thursday, October 11, 2018 at The Otesaga Resort Hotel

The award winners will be honored at the Chamber’s Small Business Banquet that will be held on Thursday, October 11, 2018 at The Otesaga Resort Hotel in Cooperstown. Cocktail reception with cash bar begins at 5:45 p.m. with live music. Guests will enjoy a harvest of culinary delights at 7:00p.m. including turkey and all the trimmings in keeping with the theme “Harvesting Success in Otsego County”. Your invitation is attached to join us in celebrating our award winners. There are also congratulatory ads attached to share good wishes to our honored guest.  We look forward to seeing you at this spectacular event.




Heat Smart Otsego Kickoff event set for Foothills

(ONEONTA)—Otsego County Conservation Association (OCCA) is formally launching the first annual Heat Smart Otsego Campaign on October 17 at 6:30pm. The event will take place at Foothills Performing Arts Center in Oneonta.

The event will feature guest speaker, Jay Egg. The founder of EggGeothermal, Egg will discuss the basics of geothermal, and examine how far geothermal can go towards a renewable energy future.

“We're very excited to have Jay Egg join us,” said Bennett Sandler, Heat Smart Otsego's Campaign Director. “He is a nationally-recognized voice in the geothermal industry.”

Sandler will also present detailed information on all aspects of the Heat Smart Otsego campaign, providing an introduction to the technologies as well as information on pricing and incentives available to those that install these technologies.

“The time to kick the fossil fuel habit is now,” said Sandler.

Funded by a grant from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA), Heat Smart Otsego will introduce renewable heating and cooling technologies to building owners across Otsego County.  These technologies include air source heat pumps, ground source heat pumps (geothermal), pellet stoves and modern wood boilers with thermal storage. Attendees will have the opportunity to sign up for free home visits from any of the selected installer partners as well as a free energy audit as a first step toward evaluating the most cost-effective, energy saving option for their home or business.

“People are always surprised at how much they can save from making envelope improvements,” Sandler said.

The Heat Smart Otsego Kickoff Event is free. For more information, contact Campaign Director Bennett Sandler at (607) 435-1364 or campaigndirector@occainfo.org.

Heat Smart Otsego is funded through the middle of 2021 by the Clean Heating and Cooling Community Campaign initiative, which is administered by NYSERDA.  The initiative supports Governor Andrew M. Cuomo’s ambitious clean energy goal to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 40 percent by 2030 and 80 percent by 2050.

Founded in 1968, Otsego County Conservation Association is a private, non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the appreciation and sustainable use of Otsego County's natural resources through education, research, resource management, advocacy, planning and practice. For more information, or to donate, visit www.occainfo.org.

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