Dear Members,
Downtown Revitalization Initiative Downtown Improvement Fund: January 2019 Update
“Greetings to all of the applicants and stakeholders in the City of Oneonta. On behalf of the Project Selection Committee, I wanted to provide an update on our work to date in reviewing DRI applications.
I’m happy to report that the Committee’s final review of all applications is targeted for completion within the month. As previously reported, the review has been thorough in order to ensure that all components of each application were taken into consideration.
Once the Committee has completed its work, information must be shared with the State to enable program staff to review the applications proposed for funding for compliance with all of the State’s grant program requirements. Once the City receives the green light from the State, it can proceed with announcing the approved projects. While timing of the State’s review is not known, program staff are aware of the City’s interest to move forward with final awards as quickly as possible.
We remain mindful that applicants are eager to begin work on their projects, and everyone looks forward to the positive impact that the funded projects will have on Downtown Oneonta and the community at large. We appreciate your continued patience with this process as it unfolds.
With best regards,
Kim Muller Chair, Project Selection Committee”