Country Club Auto Group Proudly Presents a Tribute to Our Veterans/Otsego County Chamber Member News

Country Club Auto Group Proudly Presents a Tribute to Our Veterans/Otsego County Chamber Member News

Dear Members,

A friendly reminder last call for the Intern of Year Nominations due today. Please see attached nomination form and criteria. We appreciate businesses that sponsor interns and we are excited to showcase the business and intern at our upcoming Annual Dinner of Celebration on November 21.

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The Otsego County Chamber is working on our next quarterly newsletter “Smart Growth Otsego” that is e-mailed to our contacts of 1,700 business leaders and direct mail to 700 business owners and CEO’s.  This newsletter is an opportunity to showcase members’ new products or services, new or promoted employees, and any honors or recognition your business has received. E-mail press releases to Deadline: Friday November 8, 2019.  We also have advertising opportunities.

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