[Enews] NYS Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy & Training Materials

[Enews] NYS Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy & Training Materials

Dear Members,


Please see message outlined below from New York State Labor Commissioner Roberta Reardon:


I am writing to inform you that, on Aug. 23, Governor Cuomo released a draft model sexual harassment policy, training and related guidance for all employers in New York State.


The following materials are now available online at: www.ny.gov/programs/combating-sexual-harassment-workplace

  • Minimum standards for employer sexual harassment prevention policies and trainings
  • Model sexual harassment prevention policy – this policy is considered the “minimum standard” requirement, and businesses may choose to adopt it as-is, or use as a basis to establish their own policy. All policies must meet the minimum standards laid out in the model policy.
  • Model Sexual harassment complaint form
  • Model training (script book and PowerPoint presentation)
  • FAQs


These materials are draft documents and we are seeking comment from the public, including employers and employees. Comments can be submitted via the new website or emailed directly to: combatharassment@ny.gov on or before September 12, 2018. Comments will be reviewed and necessary revisions will be considered.


Of particular note are two important related dates:


  • As of October 9, 2018 all employers (public and private) must adopt a policy, and provide a written copy of the policy and annual training to all employees
  • Starting January 1, 2019, all state contractors will be required to submit an affirmation that they have a sexual harassment policy that meets minimum standards and that they have trained all of their employees.


Thank you for your assistance in spreading the word about these important materials and for any feedback you are able to provide.


Roberta Reardon

New York State Labor Commissioner


Link: https://www.ny.gov/programs/combating-sexual-harassment-workplace




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