It is both an honor and a privilege to announce the activation of the Otsego County Chamber of Commerce Foundation, a 501 (c)3 charitable organization. The Foundation’s mission is to assist small to medium sized businesses in Otsego County thrive and grow in a challenging climate. These local organizations can easily fall through the cracks in local, state, and federal programs such as DRI, NY Forward, micro-enterprise assistance, community development block grants and other programs targeting larger scale businesses. The OCCC Foundation will be there to assist small to medium size businesses in achieving their goals through prudent, targeted monetary assistance and other services.
Area businesses who require assistance with signage, re-branding, training, new equipment, or something as simple as a few cans of paint will be helped through this foundation. So will needs for professional services, business coaching, point-of-sale systems and workforce expansion plans.
We ask that you consider a charitable donation to the Otsego County Chamber of Commerce Foundation to facilitate the good work we will provide to our communities throughout Otsego County. Our Board of Directors represent both the non-profit and for-profit sectors, bringing nearly 200 years of combined experience and acumen to the task. We are poised to make a difference in Otsego County, and we asked for your help in making this happen.
Feel free to contact us with any question or concerns. The Otsego County Chamber of Commerce Foundation looks forward to working with you to create a positive impact within our communities. Thank you for your consideration of this request.