Last Call to Nominate Small Business, an Entrepreneur and College Interns – Weekly Update

Last Call to Nominate Small Business, an Entrepreneur and College Interns – Weekly Update

Dear Members,


Thank and Honor a Small Business, an Entrepreneur and College Interns


The Otsego County Chamber’s Small Business Banquet has grown to become one of the region’s most important events, recognizing small businesses that have sustained the workplace and the community.  This year the Small Business Banquet will be held on Thursday, October 11 2018 at The Otesaga Hotel and Resort in Cooperstown at 5:45p.m.. with a cocktail reception and 7:00p.m. with a formal sit down dinner. In this fall season of gratitude, let us thank worthy small businesses for their contributions to the region and celebrate their commitment to excellence. We invite you and members of the public to offer your nominations for three prestigious awards; The Small Business Award, Breakthrough Award and the Intern of the Year Award.

Attached are the nomination forms. The Special Projects Committee of the Chamber looks forward to receiving these nominations by Friday, September 14, 2018 by close of business.





We invite key business leaders in NYS to address our economic future by attending an Economic Investment Planning meeting (addressing the child care dilemma) The Economic Investment Planning Meeting.


Did you know Child Care in NYS…

*Is a $3.4 billion industry (in spill over impact)

*Child Care industry employs 138,890 in NYS

* Is a $2 billion child care industry that generates $1.6 billion earnings throughout NYS


Come join other master minds as we close the talent gaps and address child care challenges NYS is currently facing.


Business leaders will take a look at NY’s economic future through child care lens.

RSVP Barbara Ann Heegan by September 13, 2018 seating is limited. Event is in Albany as we are bringing leaders together statewide.


This meeting will be facilitated by Bill Millett of Scope View Strategic Advantage. Attached is invite for you to share with other business leaders. Thank you and I look forward to seeing you at this event.





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