Time to Thank & Honor a Small Business, an Entrepreneur and College Interns. Nominations now being accepted!

Time to Thank & Honor a Small Business, an Entrepreneur and College Interns. Nominations now being accepted!

Dear Members,

Thank and Honor a Small Business, an Entrepreneur and College Interns


The Otsego County Chamber’s Small Business Banquet has grown to become one of the region’s most important events, recognizing small businesses that have sustained the workplace and the community.  This year the Small Business Banquet will be held on Thursday, October 11 2018 at The Otesaga Hotel and Resort in Cooperstown at 5:45p.m.. with a cocktail reception and 7:00p.m. with a formal sit down dinner. In this fall season of gratitude, let us thank worthy small businesses for their contributions to the region and celebrate their commitment to excellence. We invite you and members of the public to offer your nominations for three prestigious awards; The Small Business Award, Breakthrough Award and the Intern of the Year Award.

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